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Bovada ’s 77 Million Slot Spins Race Reaches Midway Point!

Bovada ’s 77 Million Slot Spins Race Reaches Midway Point!

There’s still five milestone spins left to hit, and each one comes with cash prizes on top of the weekly match bonuses up for grabs. Check out Bovada’s list of winners to see who has scored $777 from the previous milestones.

This is definitely a promotion players don’t want to miss out on because there are so many prizes and bonuses to be won, not to mention the grand prize for hitting the 77th million milestone: $7,777 for each winner. 

Join the race to 77 million slot spins. Bovada Casino have got 11 milestones, and every seven millionth spin, seven winners will receive a $777 cash prize until 77 million slot spins have been hit. To land an entry to win a cash prize, wager a minimum of $777 on slot games between the start of the promotion and the first milestone, or between two consecutive milestones.

Remember, the prize amount for the final 77 millionth milestone will be the biggest—$7,777—so don’t miss out on the chance to win big.

Make sure to check your Bonus Page regularly because Bovada Casino are also giving away weekly match bonuses.