No Deposit Bonus Casino News Introduction to Roulette Bets Introduction to Roulette Bets

Chances are you’ve played roulette at some point in your life. You may even be familiar with the different roulette games available at, including both the new and classic versions of American Roulette and European Roulette. But do you know all the different ways you can bet on this magnificent game? There’s a lot more to roulette than just picking a number, or choosing between Red and Black.

It all begins with the outside bets on the layout. This is where you’ll find the popular Red/Black bet, as well as the other even-money bets in Roulette: Even/Odd and Low/High (aka 1-18/19-36). You’ll also find the Dozen bet and the Column bet, each paying out at 2:1. With the Dozen, you’re betting on the ball landing on 1-12, 13-24 or 25-36, while the Column is a wager that covers all the squares in one vertical column on the Roulette layout.
Inside and Call Roulette Bets

The payouts in Roulette get even bigger once you move to the inside bets on the layout. The simplest of these bets, and the highest-paying, is the Straight bet (aka Single bet) at 35:1. All you have to do here is bet on a particular number, like Black 20. You’ll get the same odds if you bet on one of the zeros; European Roulette has just the single-zero (0), while American Roulette has both the single-zero and the double-zero (00). If you’re at the American wheel, you can wager on both zeros by placing a Row bet at 17:1 odds.

Here are the other inside bets you can make at Roulette, along with their payouts:

Split (any two adjoining numbers): 17-to-1
Street (any three adjoining horizontal numbers): 11-to-1
Corner (any block of four adjoining numbers): 8-to-1
Top Line (0, 00, 1, 2 and 3): 6-to-1, American only
Six Line (any six numbers from two horizontal rows): 5-to-1

If you’re playing the Classic version of European Roulette, you also have access to the following three “call bets” that you can see on the racetrack oval next to the remaining layout:

Voisins du Zéro (“Neighbors of Zero”)
Tiers du Cylindre (“Third of the Wheel”)

You can also place a Neighbor bet where you wager on a specific number, as well as the two spaces to the immediate left and right on the oval, for a total of five numbers. You can see the rules and the payouts for these call bets by consulting the game description for Classic European Roulette at, and you can give them a spin for free using the Practice Play mode. Best of luck at the tables.